Archive for the 'Legislative' Category

LR Conference Channels REALTOR Action on Real Estate Issues

by Kevin Calbert, VP Marketing & Member Services, Louisiana REALTORS

The number of critical issues facing real estate is increasing, and Louisiana REALTORS recognizes the need for vigilance and action at the state level. Next week’s REALTOR Action conference in Baton Rouge is designed for REALTORS to get informed and involved on legislation, regulations and issues that impact their business.

LR members are urged to attend the informative programs we have lined up on May 24 and 25.  Attendees will hear from top officials on policies and developments impacting the industry, meet state lawmakers at the state capitol and talk issues,  get updated on the mortgage lending markets, kick off our constitutional amendment campaign to prohibit future transfer taxes in Louisiana, and network with legislators and REALTOR peers from throughout the state.

Speakers will include Louisiana Commissioner of Administration Paul Rainwater,  former Secretary of Economic Development and Louisiana Committee of 100 CEO Michael Olivier,  Citizens Bank & Trust Chief Lending Officer Jim Purgerson, Andrews Commercial Mortgage President Brian Andrews, National Association of REALTORS Vice Presidents Elizabeth Mendenhall and Joe Ventrone, top Washington RESPA attorney Phil Schulman and more.

It is a critical time for your engagement and involvement. For complete details on the REALTOR Action conference and to register online, visit

REALTORS Need to Stay Committed

by Norman Morris, Senior VP of Governmental Affairs, Louisiana REALTORS

Never before has there been a time in our political history that we all, as citizens, need to stay involved at all levels of government.  REALTORS too need to stay committed to engaging elected officials and becoming a part of the process to make the industry work better for the consumers that they serve.

Many issues are now facing your industry and if you are not involved speaking with a loud voice and have a seat at the table, a good chance exists that you as well as your clients will not be able to benefit from the great experience of buying and selling real property.  Here are a few issues that may alert you to the challenges we face:

  • Elimination of the Mortgage Interest Deduction,
  •  3.8% Real Estate Tax placed into the Health Care legislation,
  • Extension of the National Flood Insurance Program past September 30, 2011,
  • Making sure Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are financially sound and continue to provide services and products that benefit all Americans,
  • Prohibiting Real Estate Transfer Taxes in the State of Louisiana,
  • Ensuring that property insurance is affordable and available,

You will be asked to step outside the box in the coming days, months and years to make a call to an elected official or by sending a note expressing your point of view on the issue at hand.  Please when asked, seize the opportunity and ACT as your clients and customers are depending on you to make sure selling and investing in property is not hampered, altered or eliminated by a law, rule or regulation that was enacted.

Your industry is positioned uniquely to succeed in these politically challenging times, but I know that REALTORS are strong, resilient and will meet any challenges that face them.  Failure is not an option and our over 10,000 members statewide will contribute greatly in making Louisiana a better place to live, raise a family and invest in real estate!
